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陆江1, 瞿铭良2, 田帅奇2
关键词:  加气混凝土  相变微胶囊  导热系数  蓄热系数  热工性能
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002016
Thermal Performances of Micro encapsulated Phase Change Materials/Aerated Concrete Composite Materials
LU Jiang1, QU Mingliang2, TIAN Shuaiqi2
1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China;2.School of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Aerated concrete(AC) was prepared by the non autoclaving method, and micro encapsulated phase change materials(MPCMs) were added during the preparation process to obtain MPCM/AC phase change composite materials and RT25 paraffin was selected as the phase change material(PCM). The specific heat capacity of the composite samples was measured at both 17,40℃, while the paraffin was in solid and liquid phases, respectively. Dependence of the MPCMs loading and the effective thermal conductivity were also investigated. Furthermore, the heat storage coefficients of the composite materials were derived from the above parameters to evaluate the thermal performance of composite materials. Results show that both the effective thermal conductivities and specific heat capacities increase upon adding the micro encapsulated paraffin. However, they are found to decrease at further increase of the paraffin loading. The w(MPCMs)=1.0% composite materials samples are found to have the best heat storage performance, its coefficient of heat accumulation reaches 335W/(m2·K), better than the control group by 74%.
Key words:  aerated concrete(AC)  micro encapsulated phase change material(MPCMs)  thermal conductivity  coefficient of heat accumulation  thermal performance