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张卫东, 董云, 彭宁波, 高延安
关键词:  透水再生混凝土  冻融循环  取代率  力学性能  损伤度
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002008
Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Pervious Recycled Concrete by Damage under Freeze Thaw Cycles
ZHANG Weidong, DONG Yun, PENG Ningbo, GAO Yanan
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223001, China
In order to study the effect of freeze thaw cycle on the mechanical properties of pervious recycled concrete, the freeze thaw tests of pervious recycled concrete with different replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate were carried out by accelerated freezing method, and the dynamic elastic modulus, flexural strength and cubic compressive strength of the corresponding stage were tested. The results show that the relative dynamic elastic modulus, relative flexural strength and relative cubic compressive strength decrease with increasing the number of freeze thaw cycles, or increasing the replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate. The decay rate from large to small is relative flexural strength, relative cubic compressive strength and relative dynamic elastic modulus. Taking the dynamic elastic modulus as the damage variable, it is found that the relative flexural strength, relative cubic compressive strength and damage degree can be expressed by exponential function, and their correlation are good.
Key words:  pervious recycled concrete  freeze thaw cycle  replacement ratio  mechanical property  damage degree