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宋昊1, 曾晓辉1, 谢友均1, 龙广成1, 傅强2
关键词:  水泥乳化沥青砂浆(CA砂浆)  徐变  荷载  应力水平  混凝土
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629202002005
Creep Characteristics of Cement Emulsified Asphalt Mortar under Long Term Load
SONG Hao1, ZENG Xiaohui1, XIE Youjun1, LONG Guangcheng1, FU Qiang2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China
The creep of cement emulsified asphalt mortar(CA mortar) loaded for 3 years was tested continuously. The influence of stress levels on the creep and creep degree of CA mortar was analyzed, and the mechanical properties and pore structure of CA mortar after creep were analyzed. The results show that the creep rate of CA mortar is much faster than that of ordinary concrete. The CA Mortar with a stress level of 05 is 34 times that of ordinary concrete in 10d, and the degree of creep of CA mortar is several dozen times that of ordinary concrete. The stress level has a serious impact on the creep of CA mortar. When the stress level is low, the creep does not increase after 300d, but at high stress level, the creep still increase significantly in the late stage. The strength of CA mortar after creep has increased, and the deformation ability of type Ⅱ CA mortar has been significantly degraded. The long term bearing capacity of type Ⅱ CA mortar is only about 40% of the compressive strength. The creep also changes the pore structure of CA mortar, and the stress level has a great influence on the pore structure evolution. This may be related to the viscous flow of asphalt, interface slip, and water migration under long term load.
Key words:  cement emulsified asphalt mortar(CA mortar)  creep  load  stress level  concrete