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陈迁好, 蒋正武
关键词:  磷石膏  复合胶凝材料  力学性能  化学预处理
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202001030
Effect of Chemical Pretreatment on the Properties of Phosphogypsum BasedComposite Cementitious Materials
CHEN Qianhao, JIANG Zhengwu
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education,Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
The effects of chemical pretreatment with different liquid solid ratio and solution concentration on the pH value and residual phosphorus content of phosphogypsum and the setting time and mechanical properties of phosphogypsum based composite cementitious materials were studied. The influence of the liquid solid ratio and solution concentration on the composition and micro morphology of the hydration products of phosphogypsum based composite cementitious materials were further analyzed. The test results show that the pH value of phosphogypsum has a quadratic function relationship with the liquid solid ratio and a linear function relationship with the pretreatment solution concentration. The increase of liquid solid ratio can reduce the residual phosphorus content, while the increase of solution concentration inhibits the phosphorus removal. Alkali solution pretreatment can increase the pH value of phosphogypsum to produce an acceleration effect, while deionized water or tap water pretreatment can reduce the retardation effect by reducing residual phosphorus content. Chemical pretreatment can promote the hydration reaction, accelerate the formation of early ettringite, shorten the setting time and improve the early strength.
Key words:  phosphogypsum  composite cementitious material  mechanical property  chemical pretreatment