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高英力1, 何倍1, 蒋正武2, 曲良辰1
关键词:  超疏水  自发光  水泥基材料  正交试验  表面特性  微结构
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202001029
Properties and Micro structure of Super hydrophobic ModifiedSelf luminous Cement Based Materials
GAO Yingli1, HE Bei1, JIANG Zhengwu2, QU Liangchen1
1.School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China;2.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Based on the luminescent characteristics of long afterglow luminescent materials and self cleaning properties of super hydrophobic materials, cement based cementitious materials were used as the main matrix to produce new super hydrophobic modified self luminous cement based functional materials, which can not only absorb light during day and luminous at night, but also can be drained and dedusted in rainy season. Orthogonal design method was used to select the best material proportion with the best comprehensive performance, and then the hydrophobic modification was carried out. The mechanical properties, luminescent properties and hydrophobicity of the materials were studied by experiments, and the surface morphology, surface roughness and organic composition were characterized by scanning electron microscope(SEM), atomic force microscopy(AFM) and fourier transform in frared spectrometer(FTIR). The results show that the optimum material ratio is 30% luminescent powder, 5% reflective powder and 0.44 water binder ratio. The super hydrophobic coating material has little effect on the mechanical properties and luminescent properties of self luminescent specimens. Compared with the specimen treated with silane hydrophobic agent, the hydrophobicity of the specimen treated with fluorosilane hydrophobic agent is better than that of the specimen treated with silane/siloxane hydrophobic agent, its contact angle is 159.8° and surface energy is -19.11mJ/m2. The surface roughness of the self luminescent and super hydrophobic specimen is higher. After fluorination, the SiO2 surface is successfully connected to the fluorine chain and formed an alkyl chain with low surface energy. The alkyl chain is extended and a large number of micro/nano composite secondary structures are formed on the substrate surface.
Key words:  super hydrophobic  self luminous  cement based material  orthogonal test  surface property  micro structure