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李蓓1, 金南国1, 田野1, 金贤玉1, 周启慧2
关键词:  碳化  水灰比  净浆  多场耦合  多孔介质
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202001022
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study on Heat Moisture Carbonation Coupling Model of Cement Based Materials
LI Bei1, JIN Nanguo1, TIAN Ye1, JIN Xianyu1, ZHOU Qihui2
1.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;2.Institute of Architectural Engineering, Zhejiang University of Water Resource and Electric Power, Hangzhou 310018, China
Based on the heat moisture coupling model of cement materials and the carbonation mechanism, a theoretical model of heat moisture carbonation for cement based materials was established, combining with the parameters such as the materials content that can be carbonated, porosity and saturation at the first stage of carbonation which was calculated by cement hydration model. The model was based on the mass conservation relationship of dry air, liquid water, steam water, gas liquid phase carbon dioxide and the calcium ion and energy conservation relationship. The control equations of carbonization mathematical model in combination with constitutive equations of cement based materials. COMSOL multi field coupling software is used to solve, compare and verify the carbonation test results and numerical calculation results of cement paste with different water cement ratio at different carbonation ages, showing that the model is reasonable and reliable.
Key words:  carbonization  water cement ratio  cement paste  multi field coupling  porous media