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为研究复杂应力状态下碱激发混凝土的强度和变形,进行了普通骨料碱激发和轻骨料碱激发混凝土的单双轴受压试验,并与传统的普通骨料和轻骨料水泥混凝土的力学特性进行了对比.研究表明:单双轴压应力状态下,碱激发混凝土应力应变曲线上升段中的线性部分较传统的水泥混凝土有所提高,下降段表现出较大的脆性,且碱激发混凝土受压破坏的微观机制与传统的水泥混凝土有较大区别;碱激发混凝土双轴压强度包络线近似为圆形,而传统的水泥混凝土近似为细长椭圆形;基于本文试验结果,对常用的Kupfer Gerstle普通混凝土强度准则进行修正后,提出了碱激发混凝土的双轴压强度准则.
关键词:  碱激发混凝土  双轴压  试验研究  应力应变曲线  破坏准则
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629202001007
Uniaxial and Biaxial Compressive Strength and Deformation Characteristic ofAlkali Activated Concrete
WANG Huailiang
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
In order to investigate the mechanical strength and deformation characteristic of alkali activated concrete(AAC) under complex stress state, uniaxial and biaxial compressive loading tests were conducted on normal weight aggregate AAC(NAAC) and light weight aggregate AAC(LAAC), compared with those of conventional cement concrete including normal weight concrete(NWC) and light weight concrete(LWC).The results indicate that the linear part at ascending branch of AAC specimens is longer, and the brittleness is greater than the conventional cement concrete counterpart. There is obvious difference in the micro mechanism of compressive failure of AAC and cement concrete. The strength envelope curves of AAC is approximately circular, while that of conventional cement concrete is a long ellipse. Based on the revised Kupfers strength criterion for conventional concrete and test results, a novel failure criterion is proposed for AAC materials under biaxial compression.
Key words:  alkali activated concrete(ACC)  biaxial compression  experimental study  stress strain curve  failure criterion