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郎泽军, 金丹, 姚武
关键词:  水泥浆体  低场核磁共振  凝结时间  早期强度
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629202001004
Analysis of Setting Time and Early Strength of Cement Paste by Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
LANG Zejun, JIN Dan, YAO Wu
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
The change of the content of evaporable water in the early hydration process of cement paste with different water cement ratios was studied by low field nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR). The results show that the first order derivative of signal intensity of the cement paste fits well with the five stages of the early hydration of the paste. The initial and final setting time of cement paste are between the valley and peak of the first order derivative curve of NMR signal intensity, which means the initial set appears after the beginning of the acceleration stage, and the final set appears before the end of the acceleration stage. Hydration degree and gel space ratio are calculated by signal intensity. The calculated gel space ratio fits well with the measured compressive strength of hardened cement paste through a power function.
Key words:  cement paste  low field nuclear magnetic resonance  setting time  early strength