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1.西南科技大学 材料科学与工程学院, 四川 绵阳 621010;2.西南科技大学 微纳米颗粒应用研究科技国际合作实验室,四川 绵阳 621010
提出了一种采用膨胀-分散-砂磨体系来制备水性微纳米薄层石墨材料的新方法,并成功应用于水性工业防腐涂料.采用冷场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)及纳米粒度分析仪对制得的水性微纳米薄层石墨材料形貌结构、宽度、厚度及粒径进行了表征,并通过耐水、耐盐水试验,对水性微纳米薄层石墨防腐涂料的耐腐蚀性进行了评价.结果表明:所获得的水性微纳米薄层石墨材料厚度为5~27 nm,宽度为5~50 μm,平均粒径在17 μm左右;利用其制备的防腐涂料具有很好的耐水性,在浸水720 h后仍与原样板几乎无异,远超48 h的行业标准要求;防腐涂料的挥发性有机物(VOC)含量不大于10 g/L,远远小于行业标准中低于300 g/L的要求.
关键词:  微纳米  薄层  石墨  水性防腐涂料
Preparation of Waterborne Micro-nano Thin Layer Graphite Anti-corrosive Coating
WANG Yao1, DENG Yuequan1, JIA Bin2, YANG Wei1, LI Guo1
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China;2.Micro-Nanoparticle Application Research Technology International Cooperation Laboratory, Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010, China
A new method for the preparation of waterborne micro-nano thin layer graphite materials by expansion-dispersion-sanding was proposed and successfully applied to waterborne industrial anti-corrosive coating.The morphology, width, thickness and particle size of the prepared waterborne micro-nano thin layer graphite materials were characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and nano-particle size analyzer.The corrosion resistance of the waterborne micro-nano thin layer graphite anti-corrosive coating was evaluated by water and salt water resistance tests.The results show that the thickness and width of waterborne micro-nano thin layer graphite materials are 5 nm to 27 nm and 5 μm to 50 μm respectively,and the average particle diameter is about 17 μm.The anti-corrosion property of coating prepared by waterborne micro-nano thin layer graphite materials is good, and the sample board is the same as the original board after soaking for 720 h, which far exceeds the standard requirement of 48 h.The volatile organic content (VOC)of the coating was less than 10 g/L, which is much lower than 300 g/L.
Key words:  micro-nano  thin layer  graphite  waterborne anti-corrosive coating