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刘黎萍, 卢青兵, 余颖, 高经纬
关键词:  布敦岩沥青  粗集料; 黏附性能  黏附系数  表面能  黏附功
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201904024
Evaluation Method of Adhesion between Buton Rock Asphalt and Coarse Aggregate
LIU Liping, LU Qingbing, YU Ying, GAO Jingwei
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
A new method of dry mixing and weighing was presented to evaluate the adhesion between Buton rock asphalt and coarse aggregate according to size variation, with a quantitative index, adhesion coefficient δ, on which the influence of pre heating temperature and lithological characters of coarse aggregates had been also analyzed. Besides, the effectiveness of the method mentioned above to evaluate the adhesion between BRA and coarse aggregate was affirmed by analysing the adhesion work of different BRA coarse aggregate systems based on surface energy theory. The results show that both pre heating temperature and coarse aggregate types have a significant impact on the adhesion, and the recommended pre heating temperature for BRA is 9096℃.
Key words:  Buton rock asphalt(BRA)  coarse aggregate  adhesion  adhesion coefficient  surface energy  adhesion work