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孙艳娜1, 张中平2, 李立寒1
关键词:  广义剪切试验  广义剪切模量  剪切应力常量  破坏应变
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201904021
High Temperature Performance Evaluation Parameter of Asphalt Based on Generalized Shear Test
SUN Yanna1, ZHANG Zhongping2, LI Lihan1
1.Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.Zhejiang Communications Investment Group Co.,Ltd., Hangzhou 310020, China
The generalized shear test was performed using the dynamic shear rheometer under the stress sweep mode. When using the BoxLucas model to fit the test data, the evaluation parameter of asphalt high temperature performance including shear stress constant τ0, failure strain γ0 and generalized shear modulus Gd were developed. During data fitting, it is necessary that the strain corresponding to the end value of the stress loading is greater than 12%. If the strain corresponding to the end value of the stress loading is less than 12%, it may cause a large error on Gd. By comparing the performance of 5 kinds of asphalt, it is found that shear stress constant τ0 and failure strain γ0 are not accurate enough, it is recommended to use generalized shear modulus Gd to evaluate the high temperature performance of asphalt.
Key words:  generalized shear test  generalized shear modulus  shear stress constant  failure strain