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胡明君1, 李立寒1, 王琎晨2, 杨昆3
在AC 20沥青混合料中,以不同掺量、不同粒径的生活垃圾焚烧炉渣集料替代天然集料,用马歇尔设计方法进行配合比设计,并进行路用性能检验及浸出特性研究,分析炉渣集料的粒径、掺量对混合料路用性能的影响,同时研究混合料对炉渣集料溶出物的稳定作用.结果表明:混合料的动稳定度随着炉渣集料掺量的提高先减后增,随着炉渣集料粒径增大而减小;混合料低温弯拉应变随炉渣集料掺量的提高先增后减,10%掺量的0~475mm粒径炉渣集料对混合料低温性能提升明显;0%~10%掺量的0~475mm粒径炉渣集料能提高混合料的水稳定性能;随炉渣集料掺量减少、粒径增大,混合料对炉渣集料溶出物的稳定效果增强.综合试验结果,推荐用于AC 20沥青混合料的炉渣集料适宜粒径为0~475mm,适宜掺量为10%.
关键词:  道路工程  生活垃圾焚烧炉渣  沥青混合料  路用性能  浸出特性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201903022
Experimental Study on Pavement Performance and Leaching Characteristic of Asphalt Mixture with Bottom Ash Aggregate
HU Mingjun1, LI Lihan1, WANG Jinchen2, YANG Kun3
1.Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.Zhejiang Traffic Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310006, China;3.Shanghai Municipal Maintenance Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201105, China
AC 20 asphalt mixture containing different contents and different particle sizes of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash aggregate(BAA) was designed by Marshall test method. The effects of BAA contents and particle sizes on pavement performance of asphalt mixture was analyzed. The stabilization of asphalt mixture on BAA was also evaluated based on the leaching test. Results show the dynamic stability of mixture initially improves with the increase of BAA content and then reduces gradually, and it also reduces with the increase in BAA particle sizes. The maximum bending strain of mixture shows a significant increasing trend initially with the increase in BAA content and then decreases gradually. The effect of 0475mm BAA with 10% content on low temperature performance is better. The water stability of asphalt mixture can be improved with small content(0%10%) and small particle sizes(0475mm). Furthermore, the stability of asphalt mixture on BAA soluble substance improves with an increase of BAA particle sizes, and a decrease of BAA content. According to test results, it is recommended that the suitable particle sizes and contents of BAA are 0475mm and 10% for using in asphalt mixture.
Key words:  road engineering  municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash  asphalt mixture  pavement performance  leaching characteristic