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宋亮1, 安传峰2, 黄美3
关键词:  道路材料  沥青碎石封层  玄武岩纤维  黏结性能  灰靶决策
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201903016
基金项目:交通运输部交通运输行业重点科技项目(2018 MS1 025);新疆维吾尔自治区交通运输厅科技项目(2018 6)
Bonding Property and Evaluation of Basalt Fiber Asphalt Macadam Seal Coat
SONG Liang1, AN Chuanfeng2, HUANG Mei3
1.School of Highway, Changan University, Xian 710064, China;2.Qingdao Traffic Engineering Supervision & Advisory Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266071, China;3.Xinjiang Xingya Engineering Construction Co., Ltd., Changji 831100, China
In order to solve the problems of insufficient interlayer bonding and low temperature cracking of asphalt macadam seal coat, a certain content of basalt fiber was added to the asphalt macadam seal coat and different types of basalt fiber asphalt macadam seal coat were prepared. Through the plate impact test, pull out test and shear test, the effects of basalt fiber content, length and emulsified asphalt content on the asphalt macadam seal coat bonding property were systematically analyzed. Based on the mixed grey target decision making method, the comprehensive bonding properties of basalt fiber asphalt macadam seal coat were compared and evaluated. The reasonable amount of each material was further determined, and the bonding properties and service performance of basalt fiber asphalt macadam seal coat were improved. The results show that compared with asphalt macadam seal coat, aggregate loss rate of basalt fiber asphalt macadam seal coat is lower than 110%305%, interlaminar pull out strength and shear strength of it are increased by 117%163% and 97%224% respectively. Considering the road performance and economic benefits, the optimum content of emulsified asphalt is 16kg/m2 and the optimum content of basalt fiber is 80g/m2.
Key words:  road material  asphalt macadam seal coat  basalt fiber  bonding property  grey target decision making