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钱觉时, 尹道道, 郁东兴, 范英儒, 黄煜镔
关键词:  生土材料  聚羧酸减水剂  耐水性能  体积稳定性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201903008
Effect of Polycarboxylate Water Reducing Agent on Performance of Modified Adobe
QIAN Jueshi, YIN Daodao, YU Dongxing, FAN Yingru, HUANG Yubin
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
Polycarboxylate water reducing agent was added to the gypsum fly ash modified adobe, and its effect on working performances, mechanical properties, water resistance and volume stability of modified adobe were experimentally studied. It can be found that the polycarboxylate water reducing agent can significantly improve the fluidity of the modified adobe slurry. When the content of water reducing agent is 080%, the slurry can be poured forming under the water solid ratio which is lower than the liquid limit of the adobe; within a certain range, the compressive strength and flexural strength of modified adobe increase with the polycarboxylate water reducing agent content. When mix proportion of modified adobe is 15% gypsum, 5% fly ash, 1% calcium oxide, by adding 080% polycarboxylate water reducing agent, the 28d compressive strength of modified adobe can reach 830MPa, and the flexural strength can reach 298MPa. Compared to the modified adobe without water reducing agent, the compressive strength and the flexural strength are increased by 45 times and 21 times respectively. The water resistance index is used to evaluate the water resistance of the modified adobe. It can be found that the polycarboxylate water reducing agent can significantly improve the water resistance and reduce the shrinkage rate of the modified adobe. When the content of water reducing agent is 080%, the shrinkage rate can be as low as 006%. SEM and XRD results show that the polycarboxylate water reducing agent can make the internal structure of modified adobe more compact, and it has little effect on the hydration products of the modified adobe.
Key words:  adobe  polycarboxylate water reducing agent  water resistance  volume stability
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