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引用本文:丁祖德,文锦诚,李晓琴,黄娟,杨潇.PVA ECC与既有混凝土黏结面抗渗及劈裂抗拉试验[J].建筑材料学报,2019,22(3):356-362
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PVA ECC与既有混凝土黏结面抗渗及劈裂抗拉试验
丁祖德1, 文锦诚1, 李晓琴1, 黄娟2, 杨潇1
采用相对渗透系数法和劈裂抗拉法,开展了聚乙烯醇纤维增强混凝土(PVA ECC)与既有普通混凝土黏结面抗渗及劈裂抗拉试验,分析界面处理方式、界面剂种类和养护时间对黏结面抗渗性能及劈裂极限力的影响.结果表明:随着界面粗糙度的增加,黏结面渗透系数减小,劈裂极限力增大,抗渗性能和黏结性能得以提高;不同界面剂中,采用膨胀水泥浆处理的黏结面抗渗性能最好,而采用环氧树脂界面剂处理的黏结面劈裂极限力最大;养护时间从14d增加到28d时,刷毛平界面膨胀水泥浆(S P)复合试件的渗透系数下降了752%,劈裂极限力增大350%;PVA ECC与既有普通混凝土黏结面的渗透系数与渗水后的劈裂极限力呈线性关系,且前者随后者的增大而减小.
关键词:  结构加固  聚乙烯醇纤维增强混凝土(PVA ECC)  既有混凝土  黏结面  抗渗性能  劈裂极限力
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201903005
Impermeability and Splitting Tensile Tests of PVA ECC and Existing Concrete Bonding Interface
DING Zude1, WEN Jincheng1, LI Xiaoqin1, HUANG Juan2, YANG Xiao1
1.Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
The influences of interface treatment, interfacial agent type, curing time on the permeability coefficient and splitting ultimate force of the polyvinyl alcohol engineered fiber reinforced cementitious composites( PVA ECC) and concrete bonding interface were investigated by relative permeability coefficient method and splitting tensile test method. The results show that with the increase of interfacial roughness, the impermeability and bonding properties of the bonding interface enhance. For different interface agents, the bonding interface with cement expansion paste has the best impermeability, while that with epoxy resin interface agent has the largest splitting ultimate force. Compared with the brushed flat interface cement expansion paste(S P) composite specimens cured for 14days, the permeability coefficient of the S P composite specimens cured for 28days was decreased by 752% and splitting ultimate force was increased by 350%. A linear expression between the impermeability and post penetration splitting ultimate force of bonding interface is established. The permeability coefficient decreases as the splitting ultimate force increases.
Key words:  strengthening of structure  polyvinyl alcohol engineered fiber reinforced cementitious composites(PVA ECC)  existing concrete  bonding interface  impermeability  splitting ultimate force