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肖佳1, 左胜浩1, 王大富1, 马文峰2, 彭扬轩2
采用RHEOLAB QC型旋转黏度计,以剪切速率恒定的方式测试了水泥石灰石粉浆体的静态屈服应力、结构建立速率与塑性应变能,研究了不同温度下石灰石粉对新拌水泥浆体结构建立的影响.结果表明:当剪切速率为01s-1时,水泥石灰石粉浆体表现为黏弹性流体,石灰石粉对水泥浆体结构建立的影响与温度有关,浆体静态屈服应力在20℃时随石灰石粉掺量增加而增大,在5,10,30℃时则受石灰石粉掺量的影响较小;浆体结构建立速率在20,30℃时随石灰石粉掺量增加而先增大后减小,并在石灰石粉掺量为10%时达到最大值,在5,10℃时则基本不受石灰石粉掺量的影响;
关键词:  温度  石灰石粉  黏弹性  静态屈服应力  结构建立
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201903001
Effect of Temperatures on Role of Ground Limestone in the Structural Build up of Fresh Cement Pastes
XIAO Jia1, ZUO Shenghao1, WANG Dafu1, MA Wenfeng2, PENG Yangxuan2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.Communication and Signal Construction Corporation Limited, Changsha 410005, China
The rheology of cement ground limestone pastes was tested at a constant shear rate by means of RHEOLAB QC rotating viscometer at various temperatures, and the static yield stress, structural build up rate and plastic strain energy of pastes were measured to characterize the effect of temperatures on role of ground limestone in structural build up of pastes. The results show that the cement ground limestone paste is a viscoelastic fluid at shear rate of 01s-1. The temperature affects the role of ground limestone in cement paste, with the increase of ground limestone content, the static yield stress of the paste increases at 20℃, but there is little effect at 5℃, 10℃ and 30℃. At 20℃ and 30℃, the structural build up rate increases first and then decreases with the increasing ground limestone content, and the structural build up rate reaches the maximum when the ground limestone content is 10%, and the ground limestone content has no effect basically at 5℃ and 10℃. The plastic strain energy increases with increasing ground limestone content at 5℃, 10℃, and 20℃, but it basically remains stable at 30℃. When the ground limestone content is the same, the plastic strain energy increases first and then decreases with the rise temperature and reaches the maximum at 10℃.
Key words:  temperature  ground limestone  viscoelasticity  static yield stress  structural build up