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引用本文:王岚,罗鑫,常春清.疲劳荷载下冻融循环对CR WMA开裂特性的影响[J].建筑材料学报,2019,22(2):233-238
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疲劳荷载下冻融循环对CR WMA开裂特性的影响
王岚, 罗鑫, 常春清
以温拌胶粉改性沥青混合料(CR WMA)和热拌胶粉改性沥青混合料(CR HMA)为研究对象,对经盐冻融循环和水冻融循环作用下的半圆试件进行三点弯曲重复加载试验,同时利用数字图像(DIC)相关技术对其开裂特性进行研究.结果表明:采用开裂位置附近点的水平应变(EXX)和以全场水平应变定义的损伤变量均可反映CR WMA和CR HMA在疲劳荷载作用下的抗开裂性能;CR WMA和CR HMA的抗疲劳开裂性能随着盐冻融循环和水冻融循环作用次数的增加而降低,且盐冻融作用对其影响大于水冻融作用;无论盐冻融还是水冻融作用,CR WMA的抗疲劳开裂性能均优于CR HMA.
关键词:  数字图像技术  冻融循环  温拌胶粉改性沥青混合料  抗裂  损伤变量
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201902011
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11762012);内蒙古交通科技项目(NJ 2015 1)
Effect of Freeze Thaw Cycle on Cracking Characteristics of CR WMA under the Fatigue Load
WANG Lan, LUO Xin, CHANG Chunqing
School of Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China
A three point bending repeated loading test was carried out on semi circular asphalt mixture with crumb rubber modified by warm mixing (CR WMA) and hot mixing (CR HMA), which was subjected to salt solution freeze thaw cycles and water solution freeze thaw cycles. At the same time, the cracking characteristics were studied by digital image correlation (DIC) technique. The results show that both the horizontal strain (EXX) and the damage variable defined by full field horizontal strain can reflect the cracking resistance of CR WMA and CR HMA under the fatigue load. The fatigue cracking resistance of CR WMA and CR HMA decreases with the increase of salt solution freeze thaw cycles and water solution freeze thaw cycles. And the effect of salt solution freeze thaw cycles is greater than that of water solution freeze thaw cycles. For both salt solution freeze thaw cycles and water solution freeze thaw cycles, the fatigue cracking resistance of CR WMA is better than that of CR HMA.
Key words:  digital image correlation (DIC) technique  freeze thaw cycle  warm mix crumb rubber modified asphalt mixture(CR WMA)  crack resistance  damage variable