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李秀君1, 惠致富1, 严慧忠2, 吕建伟2
关键词:  层间黏结性  水性环氧树脂  直剪试验  黏附性试验
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201901024
基金项目:浙江省公路科技计划项目(2016 2 4)
Experimental Analysis of Adhesive Performance of Waterborne Epoxy Modified Emulsified Asphalt
LI Xiujun1, HUI Zhifu1, YAN Huizhong2, L Jianwei2
1.College of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai Science & Technology, Shanghai 200093, China;2.Highway Administration Bureau of Hangzhou, Hangzhou 310004, China
In view of the problem of lack of adhesion between layers in maintenance of asphalt pavement, waterborne epoxy resin was used as modifier to improve the adhesion of emulsified asphalt. According to the influence of temperature and moisture on interlaminar durability,the interlaminar adhesion test of different resin contents was conducted through direct shear test and adhesion test respectively. The interlaminar shear properties were evaluated by composite Marshall test. According to the direct shear test of composite specimens with different interlayer smearing, the best coating amount of cementing material was determined to be 0.60kg/m2. And through different resin contents under normal temperature and high temperature shear test, the resin content of 30% can make asphalt emulsion at room temperature, its shear strength is increased by 1 times, with resin content of 40% the shear strength of the ordinary asphalt emulsion at 50℃ conditions between layers increases 2.3 times, and close to shear strength of asphalt emulsion under the condition of normal temperature. The adhesion of emulsified bitumen and aggregate can be evaluated effectively by the quantitative residue rate of asphalt quantity after boiling test. The water loss performance of the cemented material after film formation is gradually increased with the increase of resin content, and tends to be stable when the resin content reaches 30%, and the residual rate is up to 95.3%. The experimental results show that waterborne epoxy resin can significantly increase the interlayer adhesion of emulsified bitumen to improve the durability of curing layer.
Key words:  interlayer adhesion  waterborne epoxy resin  direct shear test  adhesion test