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王付根1, 徐学东1, 周宝木2, 钟世云3
以秸秆为填充材料,氯氧镁水泥为胶结材料,掺加适当比例的矿物掺和料和外加剂,并采用加压锁模工艺,制成秸秆氯氧镁水泥复合材料(straw magnesite oxychloride cement composites,SMOCC,以下简称秸秆复合材).首先探究了秸秆种类、长度和含水率(质量分数,下同)对秸秆复合材性能的影响,再通过正交试验,确定秸秆掺量、氯氧镁水泥配合比和砂掺量这3个因素对秸秆复合材抗压强度的影响,最后研究了最优配方情况下秸秆复合材干密度与其抗压强度的关系.结果表明:在秸秆含水率≤10%,氯化镁溶液波美度为23°Bé,养护龄期为28d的条件下,氯氧镁水泥配合比相同且采用加压锁模工艺时,秸秆种类对秸秆复合材抗压强度影响不明显;在秸秆长度改变的情况下,采用小麦秸秆比采用玉米秸秆制备的秸秆复合材性能更加稳定,且秸秆长度为100mm时,其抗压强度最高;正交试验中3个因素对秸秆复合材抗压强度影响程度依次为:氯氧镁水泥配合比、秸秆掺量、砂掺量;在一定范围内,秸秆复合材抗压强度随其干密度的增加而线性增大.
关键词:  秸秆  氯氧镁水泥  配合比  抗压强度  干密度  正交试验
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201901020
Preparation of Straw Magnesium Oxychloride Cement Composites
WANG Fugen1, XU Xuedong1, ZHOU Baomu2, ZHONG Shiyun3
1.College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China;2.Shandong Province Rural Residential Engineering Technology Research Center, Taian 271018, China;3.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Straw magnesium oxychloride cement composite material(SMOCC, hereinafter referred to as straw composites) was prepared using straw as a filler, magnesium oxychloride cement as binder, with an appropriate proportion ofmineral admixture and additives added by press process. First the effect of straw type, length, moisture content(by mass,the same below) on material properties was studied, then through orthogonal experiment the influences of three factors of straw content, magnesium oxychloride cement content and sand content on compressive strength were investigated. The relationship between dry density and compressive strength was studied by the optimal formula. The results show that: under the conditions of straw moisture content ≤10%, magnesium chloride solution at 23 °Bé, and conservation for 28days, with the same ratio of binder and adopted pressure locked process, different straw types have little effect on compressive strength; with the change of straw length, the addition of wheat straw is more stable than that of corn straw, and the compressive strength of the material is the highest when the straw length is 100mm; the influence of the three factors on the compressive strength of the material is: cementing material ratio,straw content,sand content; within a certain range, the compressive strength of straw composites increases linearly with the increase of dry density.
Key words:  straw  magnesium oxychloride cement  mix proportion  compressive strength  dry density  orthogonal experiment