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王志良1, 王竟宇1, 申林方1, 丁祖德1, 李向红2
关键词:  泥炭土  红黏土置换率  固化土  无侧限抗压强度
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201901013
Effect of Red Clay Replacement on Strength of Cement Stabilized Peaty Soil
WANG Zhiliang1, WANG Jingyu1, SHEN Linfang1, DING Zude1, LI Xianghong2
1.Faculty of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China;2.Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Company Limited, Shanghai 200232, China
The red clay was applied to replace the peaty soil at a certain percentage, and the test study on the stabilized peaty soil was carried out with cement. The stabilized mechanism was discussed from macroscopical and microscopical aspects. The results show that the unconfined compressive strength of stabilized peaty soil increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of the replacement rate of red clay when the moisture content is the same.On the one hand, the replacement of red clay enables the particles to fill the soil pores as skeleton. On the other hand, the red clay reduces the organic matter content in the peaty soil and increases the Al content in the stabilized system simultaneously, which excites the activity of hydration and promotes the formation of ettringite. This can make the flocculent structure of peaty soil dense,the particles cementation and the pores filling optimized.
Key words:  peaty soil  replacement rate of red clay  stabilized soil  unconfined compressive strength