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李玉顺1, 张秀华2, 吴培增2, 张家亮1, 赵梓霖2
关键词:  重组竹  长期荷载  蠕变试验  蠕变模型  蠕变变形
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201901010
Creep Behavior of Bamboo Scrimber under Long Term Load
LI Yushun1, ZHANG Xiuhua2, WU Peizeng2, ZHANG Jialiang1, ZHAO Zilin2
1.School of Architectural, Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
The creep behavior of the bamboo scrimber under different stress levels was analyzed by the tensile and compressive creep test of the bamboo scrimber specimen under long term load. The Burgers model and the Findleys power law model were used to fit creep testing curve of the bamboo scrimber under long term load, and the bamboo scrimber creep model was established. The correlation coefficient and the variation law of the Burgers model were analyzed. The results show that bamboo scrimber creep strain time curves generally have a similar tendency under different stress level, which includes the temporary creep and stationary creep stage. Burgers model and Findleys power law model fit creep behavior of bamboo scrimber well. The instantaneous elastic and viscous deformation and delayed elastic deformation increases with the increasing of stress level. The creep deformation can lead to component damage under high stress level. Therefore, the stress level should be reasonably controlled in the design.
Key words:  bamboo scrimber  long term load  creep test  creep model  creep