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萧礼标1, 薛群虎1, 刘一军2, 潘利敏2, 同继锋3
关键词:  二次莫来石化反应  陶瓷板  吸水率
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201806012
Effect of Secondary Mullitization Reaction on the Properties of Ceramic Plates
XIAO Libiao1, XUE Qunhu1, LIU Yijun2, PAN Limin2, TONG Jifeng3
1.College of Materials and Mineral Resources, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China;2.MONALISA Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 528211, China;3.Academician Xu Delong Workstation of MONALISA Group, Guangzhou 528211, China
Based on the target requirements of shrinkage, water absorption and rupture modulus of ceramic plates, the calcined bauxite in raw materials were replaced by the kyanite, flint clay and aciform wollastonite to solve the problem of high water absorption rate and low strength. The relationship model between preparation process conditions and secondary mullitization reaction process were established through the changes of chemical and mineral composition in production formula. The formation mechanism of low strength and high water absorption rate of large scale ceramic plates were analyzed through the performance comparison of the original ceramic plates and the new ceramic plates in which calcined bauxite in raw materials were replaced by the kyanite, flint clay and aciform wollastonite. Results show that the introduction of calcined bauxite into the ceramic plates can reduce the sintering shrinkage and cause the enhance effect of mullite phase, the incomplete secondary mullite reaction is the main cause of high water absorption rate and low strength. The temperature of secondary mullitization reaction is close to the sintering temperature of the ceramic plates after kyanite is used to replace calcined bauxite. The fracture modulus of the ceramic plates increases by 183%, the water absorption rate decreases by 562%, and the shrinkage rate of sintering line decreases by 92%.
Key words:  secondary mullitization reaction  ceramic plate  water absorption