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宋小金1, 曾梦澜1, 樊亮2
为研究沥青、沥青胶浆和沥青混合料等沥青材料的动力性质及其相关性,采用动态剪切流变仪(dynamic shear rheometer,DSR)对沥青和沥青胶浆进行试验,分析了两者动力性质的关系,建立了沥青胶浆复数模量与沥青复数模量、粉胶比的多元关系式;采用沥青混合料性能试验机(asphalt mixture performance tester,AMPT)对5种类型的沥青混合料进行动态模量试验,研究分析了沥青材料在同频率(或加载时间)和温度条件下模量与相位角的关系.结果表明:沥青混合料的模量和相位角可以通过沥青和沥青胶浆的模量和相位角来表示,且这种关系与频率(或加载时间)、温度无关.在此基础上建立了沥青、沥青胶浆和沥青混合料三者的模量与相位角的关系表达式.
关键词:  道路工程  沥青  沥青胶浆  沥青混合料  复数模量  相位角
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201806010
Relationship among Dynamic Properties of Pavement Asphalt Materials
SONG Xiaojin1, ZENG Menglan1, FAN Liang2
1.College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.Shandong Transportation Institute, Jinan 250031, China
In order to study the dynamic properties and correlation of asphalt materials such as asphalt, asphalt mastic and asphalt mixture, the rheological test of asphalt and asphalt mastic was carried out by dynamic shear rheometer(DSR). The relationship of dynamic property between the asphalt and the asphalt mastic was analyzed, and the multivariate formula of complex modulus of asphalt mastic, complex modulus of asphalt and filler bitumen ratio had been established. Dynamic modulus test of five different types of asphalt mixtures was performed by asphalt mixture performance tester(AMPT). The relationship between the modulus and the phase angle of the asphalt material under the same frequency(or loading time) and temperature conditions was analyzed. It is found that the modulus and phase angle of asphalt mixture can be expressed by the modulus and phase angle of asphalt and asphalt mastic, and the relationship is independent of frequency(or loading time) and temperature. The relation expression of modulus and phase angle of asphalt, asphalt mastic and asphalt mixture is established.
Key words:  road engineering  asphalt  asphalt mastic  asphalt mixture  complex modulus  phase angle