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刘海鹏1, 蒋应军1, 胡永林2, 叶伟奇3, 曹正道2, 蔡永涛1
关键词:  乳化沥青冷再生混合料  垂直振动法  级配  力学强度
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201803025
基金项目:浙江交通科技项目(2016 2 17)
Influence of Gradation on Strength of Emulsified Asphalt Cold Recycled Mixture
LIU Haipeng1, JIANG Yingjun1, HU Yonglin2, YE Weiqi3, CAO Zhengdao2, CAI Yongtao1
1.Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Changan University, Xian 710064, China;2.Jindong Highway Management Section, Jinhua 321000, China;3.Jinhua Highway Administration Bureau, Jinhua 321000, China
Cylindrical specimens were prepared by vertical vibration molding method. The effects of mineral powder, machine made sand and 95190mm coarse aggregate content on the strength of cold recycled asphalt mixture(CRM) were studied. The results show that the mineral powder content(by mass) is less than 5%, with the increase of the mineral powder content, CRM strength increases, but the increase rate gradually lowers. When mineral powder content is greater than 3%, compared to emulsified asphalt cold recycled mixture without new aggregate, the mechanical strength increases at least 5%. Adding machine made sand, CRM strength increases first, then decreases. When the sand content is 20%, the Marshall stability of mixture, dry wet splitting strength and freeze thaw splitting strength reach the peak, and the mechanical strength can be increased by more than 17%. With the 95190mm coarse aggregate content increasing, the dry wet splitting strength of mixture increases first and then decreases. When the 95190mm of coarse aggregate content is 20%, CRM strength increases by at least 19%. Therefore, considering the material cost, it is suggested that the content of mineral powder in CRM is 3%, the content of machine made sand is 20%, and the content of 95190mm coarse aggregate is 20%.
Key words:  emulsified asphalt cold recycling mixture  vertical vibration method  gradation  mechanical strength