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陈搏, 张肖宁, 虞将苗
为研究路面构造对轮胎接触应力分布均匀性的影响,以子午线轮胎和不同沥青混合料路面为研究对象,采用压力胶片测量系统开展了胎/路界面的接触应力分布研究,提出描述真实界面接触应力分布的数学模型,并分析胎/路接触应力分布的非均匀性及其影响因素.结果表明:经SPSS软件中的P P图验证,胎/路接触应力分布均符合Weibull模型,可以采用Weibull模量来表征该接触应力分布的不均匀程度;汽车轮胎与沥青路面主要为点接触状态;相比荷载,路面粗糙度对轮胎接触应力分布不均匀程度的影响更显著;超载作用下,胎/路界面外侧花纹块的应力明显增大,接触应力呈凹形分布;路面凸起构造是影响胎/路界面应力集中的主要因素,胎/路界面接触应力峰值与路面构造深度能建立显著的线性回归方程,可为实际工程中的路面磨耗层设计提供理论指导.
关键词:  沥青路面  压力胶片  接触应力  Weibull分布  均匀性  应力峰值
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201803017
Experimental Research on Uniformity of Tire Pavement Contact Stress Distribution
CHEN Bo, ZHANG Xiaoning, YU Jiangmiao
School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
In order to investigate the impact of pavement texture on uniformity of tire pavement contact stress distribution, the radial tire and different asphalt pavements were chosen as the study object. Through using pressure sensitive film measurement system, the contact stress distribution characteristics between tire and different asphalt pavements were studied. Besides, a mathematical model was also proposed to describe the actual contact stress distribution. The uniformity of tire pavement contact stress distribution and its influencing factors were investigated. According to the results, the contact stress between tire and asphalt pavement is conformed to Weibull distribution on the basis of the P P chart. Weibull modulus can be used to describe the degree of nonuniformity of contact stress distribution. Compared with the influence of load, that of road roughness on the non uniform degree of contact stress distribution is more significant. Although the stress of the outside blocks is notably increased in overloading, the middle blocks stress is not changed much. The roughness of pavement is proved to be the main factor influencing the stress concentration. The peak contact stress and the pavement texture depth fit in a highly significant linear regression equation, thus providing theoretical guidance for designing the asphalt pavement wearing surface.
Key words:  asphalt pavement  pressure sensitive film  contact stress  Weibull distribution  uniformity  peak stress