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杨震, 张肖宁, 虞将苗, 徐伟
关键词:  基质沥青  老化  元素分析  凝胶渗透色谱  微观特性  黏弹力学
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201803012
Study on Multi scale Characteristics of Matrix Asphalt before and after Aging
YANG Zhen, ZHANG Xiaoning, YU Jiangmiao, XU Wei
School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Elemental analysis and gel permeation chromatography were utilized to investigate the effect of aging on asphalt element composition and molecular weight, and the dynamic shear rheological test was used to study the effect of aging on the viscoelastic properties of asphalt. Meanwhile, the statistical analysis was applied to study the relation between microscopic characteristics and macro properties. The microscopic test results indicate that the aging can lead to significantly increase oxygen content in asphalt and promote an increase in carbon content and condensation index. And the aging can also promote the asphalt molecular weight distribution moving to the direction of macromolecules, the weight average molecular weight is significantly increased. The correlation analysis shows that the microscopic properties has a good correlation with the macroscopic properties, it is indicated that the macroscopic properties of asphalt are the manifestations of microscopic characteristics at the macro aspect, and the microscopic characteristics have a direct impact on the macro properties.
Key words:  matrix asphalt  aging  elemental analysis  gel permeation chromatography  microscopic characteristics  viscoelasticity