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王信刚, 陈皓, 扶兴国
为探究酸雨环境下树脂水泥界面劣化对树脂导光水泥基材料(RLCCM)力学性能及界面微观结构的影响,以透明树脂和水泥基体为载体,通过酸雨干湿耦合作用加速试验,测试树脂水泥界面斜剪黏结强度、表面外观特征变化,并通过环境扫描电子显微镜能谱仪(ESEM EDS)分析树脂水泥界面在酸雨环境下的劣化机理.结果表明:树脂水泥基试样的斜剪破坏均从树脂水泥界面处开始;在酸雨干湿耦合作用下,界面斜剪黏结强度呈先升后降趋势,水泥基体自靠近界面的位置处开始腐蚀,随着龄期的增长,破坏由表及里逐渐发生;在酸雨干湿耦合作用下,试样中的氢氧化钙(CH)在早期被逐渐消耗,部分生成石膏,体积膨胀填充部分界面空隙,使树脂水泥界面结合更为紧密;随着腐蚀时间的延长,试样中的C S H被逐渐消耗,石膏越来越多,树脂水泥界面附近覆盖了1层白色黏稠状的石膏,导致界面出现裂缝.
关键词:  酸雨  干湿循环  斜剪黏结强度  表面外观  界面微观形貌
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201803002
Corrosion Characteristic of Resin Cement Interface under the Combined Action of Acid Rain and Dry Wet Cycle
WANG Xingang, CHEN Hao, FU Xingguo
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
In order to investigate the effect of resin cement interface deterioration on mechanical properties and interfacial microstructure of resin light conductive cementitious materials(RLCCM) under acid rain, transparent resin and cement matrix used as carriers and an accelerated test method of combined action of acid rain and dry wet cycle were adopted, oblique shear bond strength, surface appearances were used to obtain the corrosion regularity and ESEM EDS was used to analysis the deterioration mechanism of resin cement interface under acid rain. The results show that oblique shear failure of specimens occurs at the resin cement interface, oblique shear bond strength of resin cement interface first increases and then declines after exposed to combined action of acid rain and dry wet cycle; cement matrix starts to corrode at the position close to the interface, with the growth of the age, corrosion occurs from the surface to the interior of materials; after exposed to combined action of acid rain and dry wet cycle, CH is gradually reduced and gypsum is generated to fill partial pores at the early days, making the resin cement interface denser, with the increase of time, C S H is gradually reduced, more and more gypsums are generated, the areas close to resin cement interface is covered with a layer of white viscous gypsum, resulting cracks in the interface.
Key words:  acid rain  wet dry cycle  oblique shear bond strength  surface appearance  interfacial micro morphology