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安明喆, 高扬, 王月, 韩松, 余自若, 季文玉
关键词:  排烟冷却塔  冷凝溶液  侵蚀  高性能混凝土  超高性能混凝土  耐久性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201802016
Durability of Concrete in Natural Draft Cooling Tower with Flue Gas Injection
AN Mingzhe, GAO Yang, WANG Yue, HAN Song, YU Ziruo, JI Wenyu
School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
The condensate solution stuck to the inner wall of natural draft cooling tower with flue gas injection contains large amount of SO2-4, NO-3 and H+, and it could erode the inner wall concrete. Therefore, the durability of ordinary concrete(NC30), high performance concrete(HPC30 and HPC50) and ultra high performance concrete(UHPC) in the above environment under the actual operating temperature were studied through the indoor immersion experiments. The results show that the mass loss rate of NC30 reached the maximum, which is 76%, after 95days condensate solution immersion. But for UHPC the value is just 13%, and for HPC30 and HPC50, the value is 44% and 40%, respectively. The compressive strength of NC30, HPC30 and HPC50 increases first and then reduces with the increase of immersion time, and their strength loss rate is 403%,319% and 198%, respectively, after 95days immersion. The compressive strength of UHPC decreased with the increase of condensate solution immersion time, but its value is only 94% at the same time.
Key words:  natural draft cooling tower with flue gas injection  condensate solution  erosion  high performance concrete  ultra high performance concrete  durability