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姜正平1, 明维2
关键词:  碱激发矿渣混凝土  蒸压养护  钢筋锈蚀  海水  海砂
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201802008
Early Corrosion Behavior of Rebar Embedded in the Autoclave CuredAlkali Activated Slag Concrete
JIANG Zhengping1, MING Wei2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, China;2.Guangdong Hongji Concrete Pile Co., Ltd., Zhongshan 528427, China
Experimental tests were reported on the autoclave cured alkali activated slag concrete(AASC) and ordinary Portland cement concrete(OPCC), fabricated with different kinds of mixing water(tap and seawater) and sand(river sand, desalted sea sand, sea sand), immersing in simulated seawater. The results of mechanical strength development of concrete and mass loss ratio of rebar during the corrosion of rebar embedded in the concrete accelerated through electrochemical method reveal that AASC has higher compressive strength and corrosion resistance than OPCC. More sever corrosion behavior can be observed for rebar in OPCC, for the mass loss ratio increases to 50%90% at 42d, while that is only 02%15% for AASC. Meanwhile, scanning electron microscope(SEM) is also used to explore the superior performance mechanism of AASC.
Key words:  alkali activated slag concrete  autoclave curing  rebar corrosion  sea water  sea sand