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引用本文:殷雨时,范颖芳,徐义洪.粗糙度对CFRP 混凝土界面剪切黏结性能的影响[J].建筑材料学报,2018,21(2):202-207
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粗糙度对CFRP 混凝土界面剪切黏结性能的影响
殷雨时, 范颖芳, 徐义洪
针对3种强度、6种界面粗糙度的54块混凝土试件,采用单向剪切试验,研究了表面粗糙度对碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP) 混凝土梁界面黏结性能的影响.结果表明:6种界面中,粗糙度为044的混凝土试件界面黏结性能最佳,CFRP 混凝土的极限荷载和黏结强度较粗糙度为025的试件分别提高36%~51%,124%~221%;粗糙度对混凝土界面有效黏结长度影响较大,与现有模型中的有效黏结长度计算值相比,考虑粗糙度和黏结树脂后的有效黏结长度最高可提高273%;6种界面的有效黏结长度随粗糙度的提高,总体呈现减小趋势;粗糙度为025~044的混凝土界面τ s曲线在脆性区域上的刚度相差无几,界面越粗糙,脆性区间越短;进入塑性阶段后,6种界面的CFRP 混凝土梁黏结滑移曲线均以不同斜率下降,最终以004~035mm的滑移值剥离破坏.
关键词:  混凝土  碳纤维增强复合材料  界面  黏结滑移关系  单剪试验  黏结应力
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201802005
Roughness Effects on the Shear Bonding Properties of Interface betweenCFRP and Concrete
YIN Yushi, FAN Yingfang, XU Yihong
Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Liaoning 116026, China
Totally 54 concrete specimens with different concrete strengths(C30, C40 and C50) were designed, and each category of strength contains 6 different interfacial roughness conditions. Through carrying out the single shear test, the influence of concrete surface roughness on bonding property of CFRP concrete beam was researched. The result indicates that among six different interfaces, the concrete interface with the roughness of 044 carries the optimal bonding property. The ultimate load and the bonding strength of the CFRP concrete interface are respectively elevated by 36%51% and by 124%221%. The roughness parameter exerts significant influence to the effective bond length, and it is elevated by 273% to the largest extent in the existing models. The effective bond lengths of six interfaces are reduced as roughness increases generally. The τ s curves of interfaces with the roughness from 025 to 044 are generally with the same rigidity in the friable area which shall be shorter with the increase of interface roughness. From the perspective of plastic stage, the bonding stress slip curves of six interfaces are overall declined in different slopes. Eventually, the interfaces are de bonded with the slip values from 004mm to 035mm.
Key words:  concrete  carbon fiber reinforced polymer/plastic(CFRP)  interface  bond slip relationship  single shear test  bond stress
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