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王茹, 张绍康, 王高勇
关键词:  水泥  丁苯共聚物  沸石  凝结硬化  水化
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201802001
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51572196,51202162);中德科学中心资助项目(GZ 1290)
Effect of Zeolite on the Setting, Hardening and Early Hydration ofStyrene Butadiene Copolymer/Cement
WANG Ru, ZHANG Shaokang, WANG Gaoyong
Shool of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
In order to solve the problem of slow setting and hardening of styrene butadiene copolymer/cement composite cementitious material, zeolite was used as set conditioning material. The effect of zeolite on the setting time and early strength of the composite cementitious material was discussed. The mechanism of zeolite accelerating the setting and hardening process was also analyzed from the point of hydration heat evolution rate and hydration products. The results show that zeolite can accelerate hydration of the composite cementitious material. By promoting the hydration of C3A and C3S, zeolite shortens the induction period, increases the maximum hydration heat evolution rate and promotes the generation of AFt and Ca(OH)2. Thus, the setting and hardening process of the composite cementitious material is accelerated, the setting time is shortened and the early strength is improved.
Key words:  cement  styrene butadiene copolymer  zeolite  setting and hardening  hydration