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田小革1, 韩海峰2, 李新伟2, 张起森1, 李烨1
为提高沥青稳定碎石的抗裂性能,优化设计了粗集料间断半开级配的沥青稳定碎石(ATB 25),并对其进行了应力比分别为01,02,03,04和05的双面剪切疲劳试验.结果表明:应力比对ATB 25梁式试件疲劳寿命具有显著影响;各应力比下其疲劳寿命均服从双参数Weibull分布.同时建立了不同失效概率下的概率型(p S N型)剪切疲劳方程.
关键词:  沥青稳定碎石  剪切疲劳  双面剪切  Weibull分布  疲劳方程
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801027
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50408007,50178012);广东省交通运输厅科技项目(科技 2013 02 013)
Double Side Shear Fatigue Property of Anti cracking Asphalt Stabilized Macadam
TIAN Xiaoge1, HAN Haifeng2, LI Xinwei2, ZHANG Qisen1, LI Ye1
1.School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114, China;2.Guangzhou Highway Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510288, China
In order to improve the anti cracking performance of asphalt stabilized macadam, the gradation of asphalt stabilized macadam was optimally designed with coarse aggregate gapped and semi opened gradation(ATB 25). Double sides shear fatigue tests under different stress ratio, namely 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 were carried out on ATB 25 beam samples. It is found that the stress ratio has a significant effect on the fatigue life, and the fatigue life under different stress ratios are all subject to the double parameter Weibull distribution, and the p S N type shear fatigue equations with different failure probability are established.
Key words:  asphalt stabilized macadam  shear fatigue  double side shear  Weibull distribution  fatigue equation