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任万艳1, 韩森1, 李俊2, 刘亚敏1
为了研究植石水泥混凝土桥面板与沥青铺装层层间抗剪性能,采用传统的刻槽、毛面、光面界面类型桥面铺装试件作为对比,测试了0,07,14MPa这3个竖向荷载作用下,不同界面类型试件的层间极限抗剪强度;分析了07MPa竖向荷载作用下,不同界面类型试件层间剪应力与剪切位移的关系;研究了温度、水以及冻融循环作用对不同界面类型试件层间抗剪性能的影响,并进一步针对植石界面类型试件,分析了AC 13C,AC 20C与SMA13沥青铺装层对其层间抗剪性能的影响.结果表明:与另外3种界面类型试件相比,植石界面类型试件具有较大的内摩阻角和黏聚力,其层间极限抗剪强度达到10MPa以上,并且残余抗剪强度达到了极限抗剪强度的80%;植石界面类型试件对环境中温度和水的敏感性较低,在冻融循环作用下其层间极限抗剪强度衰减幅度最小;沥青铺装层材料组成对植石界面类型试件的层间抗剪强度具有显著影响,AC 20C和SMA 13沥青铺装层试件的层间抗剪性能优于AC 13C沥青铺装层试件.
关键词:  植石  水泥混凝土桥面  沥青铺装层  界面类型  层间抗剪性能  耐久性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801018
基金项目:陕西省交通运输厅科技项目(09 05K)
Research on Interlaminar Shear Properties of Bridge Deck Asphalt Pavement on Chip Sprinkling Cement Concrete
REN Wanyan1, HAN Sen1, LI Jun2, LIU Yamin1
1.Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Changan University, Xian 710064, China;2.Key Laboratory of Road Structure & Material of Ministry of Transport, Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport, Beijing 100088, China
In order to explain the interlaminar shear properties between chip sprinkling cement concrete(CSCC) bridge deck and asphalt pavement structure, traditional interface texture treatment methods, named grooved, rough and smooth respectively, were chosen as control groups. Interlaminar ultimate shear strengths of specimens with different interface types were tested when vertical loads were 0, 07,14MPa. Relationship between interlaminar shear stress and shear displacement was analyzed for different interface types of specimens with 07MPa vertical load. Effects of temperature, water and freeze thaw cycle on interlaminar ultimate shear strength were studied for specimens with different interface types. Besides, interlaminar shear strength was analyzed in terms of chip sprinkling interface specimens with different asphalt pavement types of AC 13C, AC 20C and SMA 13respectively. Experimental results indicate that specimens with chip sprinkling interface type show greater internal friction angle and cohesive force than other interface types of specimens, and interlaminar ultimate shear strength is up to 10MPa, residual shear strength is up to 80% of its ultimate shear strength. Specimens with chip sprinkling interface type exhibits low sensibility to temperature and water, and low degradation of interlaminar ultimate shear strength under freeze thaw cycles. Asphalt pavement type has a significant influence on interlaminar ultimate shear strength, with ultimate shear strength of AC 20C and SMA 13specimens greater than that of AC 13C specimen.
Key words:  chip sprinkling  cement concrete bridge deck  asphalt pavement  interface type  interlaminar shear property  durability