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黄一杰1, 吴纪达1, 肖建庄2, 王清1, 孙黄胜1
关键词:  钢管海砂再生混凝土  再生粗骨料取代率  Cl-含量  破坏模式  受力变形全曲线
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801014
Experimental Study and Analysis on Axial Compressive Behavior of Sea Sand Recycled Concrete Filled Steel Tube
HUANG Yijie,WU Jida,XIAO Jianzhuang,WANG Qing,SUN Huangsheng
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
A compression test for the 18sea sand recycled concrete filled steel tube(SSRCFS) columns was conducted. The main parameters were recycled coarse aggregate(RCA) replacement percentage and sea sand chloride ion content(CIC). The effects of RCA replacement percentage and CIC on the failure pattern of specimens and the load deformation relationships were investigated. Results show that the loading processes of SSRCFS include elastic, plastic and faiture stages, which is similar to those of ordinary concrete filled steel tube(CFST) specimens. The main failure pattern of specimen is diagonal shear failure. It is also indicated that the peak load decreases slightly with the increase of the RCA replacement percentage and sea sand CIC. The peak strain increases with the increase of RCA replacement percentage, while it increases first and then decreases with the increase of CIC. Finally, the comparison between the tested peak load and the calculated value by the codes is completed, axial stress strain curves of SSRCFS are proposed based on the test data.
Key words:  sea sand recycled concrete filled steel tube  recycled coarse aggregate replacement percentage  chloride ion content  failure pattern  loading deformation curve