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刘昱清1, 丁蔚健2, 秦韶丰2, 洪舒贤2, 邢锋1
关键词:  微胶囊  钢筋  缓蚀  X射线层析成像
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801006
Corrosion Inhibition Performance Evaluation of Smart Concrete System by XCT
LIU Yuqing1, DING Weijian2, QIN Shaofeng2, HONG Shuxian2, XING Feng1
1.Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration, Harbin 150080, China;2.Guangdong Province Key Laboratory ofDurability for Marine Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
In order to optimize the protection of reinforcing bar in concrete structure, the smart systems, including the sodium nitrite(NaNO2)/ethyl cellulose(EC) microcapsule system and the sodium monofluorophosphate(MFP)/ethyl cellulose(EC) microcapsule system, were designed and studied. XCT(X ray computed microtomography) testing technology was used to trace the corrosion process and introduced to test the corrosion inhibition effect. The results show that the smart system has a very significant corrosion inhibition performance. Compared with the blank group in wet dry cycle tests, sodium nitrite system and sodium monofluorophosphate system significantly delay initial corrosion period for 648 and 216h, and the initial cracking period is also prolonged for 432 and 144h, respectively. After 648h of wet dry cycle, the corrosion ratio of the sodium nitrite system is only 193%, and the sodium system is 306%, which is much lower than that of blank systems 1046%.
Key words:  microcapsule  steel  corrosive inhibition  X ray computed microtomography(XCT)