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姜骞, 刘建忠, 周华新, 崔巩, 蔡景顺
关键词:  透水混凝土  工作性能  抗压强度  透水系数  增稠剂  流变
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201801004
基金项目:“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0701001 05);江苏省住房与城乡建设厅科技指导性项目(2016ZD42);江苏省重点研发计划(SBE2015710009)
Correlation between Fresh Paste Properties and Hardened Paste Performances of Pervious Concrete
JIANG Qian, LIU Jianzhong, ZHOU Huaxin, CUI Gong, CAI Jingshun
Jiangsu Sobute New Materials Co., Ltd., Nanjing 211103, China
Poly carboxylate superplasticizer(PCA) and viscosity modifier(VMA) were used to prepare pervious concrete with different fresh conditions. The correlation between fresh paste properties(fluidity and cohesion) and hardened paste performances of pervious concrete(compressive strength, hydrological permeability and porosity) was studied. A further rheological investigation was also conducted to reveal a better understanding of the fresh paste in pervious concrete. The results show that, as the fluidity increases, the paste flows downwardly, leading a descending porosity along vertical direction. It helps to achieve a better porosity distribution uniformity by improving the cohesion of pervious concrete. The fluidity and cohesion of paste could be increased simultaneously, which yields a higher plastic viscosity and a lower yield stress when PCA and VMA are used at the same time. The flow velocity of paste is thus decreased sharply with no significant impact on bonding performance between paste and aggregate. Pervious concrete with the specific rheological properties shows a practicable workability and uniform pore structure.
Key words:  pervious concrete  workability  compressive strength  hydrological permeability  viscosity modifier  rheology