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以铁水脱硫渣作为橡胶填料,取代部分炭黑与丁苯橡胶复合制备铁水脱硫渣/丁苯橡胶材料,研究铁水脱硫渣/炭黑比(质量比)、铁水脱硫渣粒度、硫化体系和硫化时间等因素对铁水脱硫渣/丁苯橡胶的力学性能影响.结果表明:当铁水脱硫渣/炭黑比为20/30,铁水脱硫渣粒度为16μm(1000目),硫化体系为促进剂N 叔丁基 2 苯并噻唑次磺酰胺(NS)与硫磺(NS/硫磺质量比为100/175),硫化时间约为1500s时,铁水脱硫渣/丁苯橡胶的力学性能与经济效益最好.
关键词:  铁水脱硫渣  丁苯橡胶  炭黑  环保  力学性能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201706016
Effect of Molten Iron Desulphurization Slag to Replace Carbon Black on the Properties of Styrene Butadiene Rubber
GU Hengxing1, LI Hui1, JIN Qiang2, YANG Gang1, CHEN Hua1, XU Delong1
1.College of Materials & Mineral Resources, Xian University of Architecture & Technology, Xian 710055, China;2.MCC Baosteel Technology Services Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China
Molten iron desulphurization slag/styrene butadiene rubber composites were prepared using molten iron desulphurization slag as rubber filler to replace part of carbon black. The effects of molten iron desulphurization slag/carbon black ratio(by mass),particle size of molten iron desulphurization slag, curing system and curing time on the mechanical properties of the molten iron desulphurization slag/styrene butadiene rubber were studied. The results show that the mechanical performance and economic benefits of the molten iron desulphurization slag/styrene butadiene rubber are the optimal when the molten iron desulphurization slag/carbon black ratio is 20/30, the particle size of the molten iron desulphurization slag is 16μm(1000mesh), the curing system is the promoter N tert butyl 2 benzothiazole sulfenamide and the sulfur(ratio of the promoter NS and the sulfur is 100/175), and curing time is about 1500s.
Key words:  molten iron desulphurization slag  styrene butadiene rubber  carbon black  environmental protection  mechanical property