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侯利军, 周秉轩, 刘泓, 欧阳峰, 陈达
关键词:  锈蚀  超高韧性水泥基复合材料  钢纤维混凝土  中心拉拔  黏结
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201706006
Interfacial Bond Behavior between Corroded Reinforcement and Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Materials
HOU Lijun, ZHOU Bingxuan, LIU Hong, OUYANG Feng, CHEN Da
Key Laboratory of Coastal Disaster and Defence, Ministry of Education, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
Interfacial bond behavior between corroded rebar cleaned up and fiber reinforced cementitious materials were investigated through central pullout tests. Two kinds of materials were used in the tests, including ultra high toughness cementitious composite(UHTCC) and steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC). The variable considered was corrosion ratio. The experimental results reveal that all the UHTCC and SFRC specimens show splitting pullout failure mode depending on the fiber bridging action. With the increasing corrosion ratio, a gentle descending branch of relative bond stress average slip curves is obtained for UHTCC samples whereas the slope of descending branch is almost comparable to SFRC specimens. At a similar corrosion ratio, UHTCC sample has higher bond strength and residual bond strength compared with SFRC specimen. When the corrosion ratio is high up to about 14%(by mass), the bond strength descends to 81% and 88% of the initial strength for UHTCC and SFRC samples, respectively. Moreover, the effect of corrosion on the residual bond strength is little.
Key words:  corrosion  ultra high toughness cementitious composite(UHTCC)  steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC)  central pullout  bond