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王彦平1, 郭等锋1, 冯利邦1, 张戎令2, 王起才2
关键词:  沥青  环氧树脂  冲蚀磨损
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201705025
Erosion Properties of Asphalt Modified Epoxy Resin
WANG Yanping1, GUO Dengfeng1, FENG Libang1, ZHANG Rongling2, WANG Qicai2
1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
The mechanical properties and erosion properties of asphalt modified epoxy resin were tested, and the effect of asphalt content(by mass) on these properties was studied, and the mechanism of erosion was analyzed. The results show that the addition of asphalt decreases the tensile strength of the epoxy resin, but to a certain extent, improves the impact toughness of the epoxy resin. The asphalt modified epoxy resin indicates semi ductile erosion behavior with peak erosion rate at 45° impact angle, and its erosion rate increases with increasing erosion velocity and shows power function relationship with erosion velocity, and the velocity index is 274317 Asphalt modified epoxy resin shows good erosion resistance when asphalt content is 10%. It is suitable for concrete bridge piers as erosion protective material under wind sand flow environment. The erosion of asphalt modified epoxy resin is the result of combined action of normal component and tangential component for erosion energy, in which the normal component causes crack and breakage of material surface, and the tangential component causes cutting of material surface.
Key words:  asphalt  epoxy resin  erosion