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王滋1, 王丽1, 武国芳1, 吴勇2, 丁青峰2, 赵荣军1
关键词:  木框架墙体  日本落叶松  兴安落叶松  云杉松木冷杉(SPF)  抗剪性能
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201705017
Shear Performance of Wood Frame Shear Walls Framed with Domestic Dimension Lumber
WANG Zi1, WANG Li1, WU Guofang1, WU Yong2, DING Qingfeng2, ZHAO Rongjun1
1.Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China;2.Suzhou Crownhomes Company Limited, Suzhou 215100, China
A total of 12 pieces shear wall segments were fabricated with three kinds of frame materials including Larix kaempferi dimension lumber, Larix gmelinii dimension lumber and imported SPF, and imported OSB as sheathing panels. The shear wall were tested under monotonic and cyclic loads respectively, and the effects of different materials of frame on the bearing capacity, elastic shear stiffness, ultimate displacement and energy dissipation of shear walls were investigated. Test results show that the bearing capacities of shear wall with Larix kaempferi , Larix gmelinii and SPF frames are 959, 708, 905kN/m, respectively. The ultimate displacements are 5809mm, 5333mm and 6584mm, while the stiffnesses are 1 36992,1 12630, 111904kN/m, respectively. The energy dissipations are 783989, 526274, 802720J/m, respectively. It can be concluded that Larix kaempferi dimension lumber has a good performance as frame members of shear wall as shown in the tests.
Key words:  wood frame shear wall  Larix kaempferi  Larix gmelinii  SPF  shear performance