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张益多, 汪鑫, 史康
关键词:  混凝土构件  疲劳性能  数值模拟  冻融循环  剩余强度
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201705013
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50878098);住建部科技计划项目(2013 k4 26)
Numerical Simulation of Prestressed Concrete Components Subjected to Fatigue Loading and Freezing Thawing Cycles
ZHANG Yiduo, WANG Xin, SHI Kang
School of Civil Engineering and Architectural, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
Based on elastic modulus of concrete considering coupling effects of fatigue loading and freezing thawing cycles(FTCs), the fatigue constitutive model of concrete which subjected to freeze thaw damage and the fatigue constitutive equation of steel bar, the material parameters of each model were set up properly in ANSYS. In order to simulate the fatigue behavior of prestressed concrete bending components under the alternative action of FTCs and fatigue loading,these parameters were modified correspondingly. By comparison, the results show that the numerical simulation of the bending deflection and the upper edge strain is in good agreement with the test, which can provide an effective method for the numerical simulation of the fatigue performance of the prestressed concrete components under FTCs in the practical projects.
Key words:  concrete component  fatigue performance  numerical simulation  freezing thawing cycle(FTC)  residual strength