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蒋正武1, 张静娟1, 曾志勇1, 田曼丽2
关键词:  炭化温度  升温速率  保温时间  平衡吸放湿量  吸放湿效率  调湿稳定性
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201705010
Effect of Carbonization Process Parameters on Humidity Controlling Properties of Bamboo Charcoal
JIANG Zhengwu1, ZHANG Jingjuan1, ZENG Zhiyong1, TIAN Manli2
1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education,Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.School of Railway,Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation, Chongqing 402247, China
Humidity controlling properties of bamboo charcoal after exposure to different carbonization temperature, heating rate and holding time were evaluated by using the three indices of equilibrium moisture absorption and desorption content, moisture absorption and desorption efficiency and humidity controlling stability. The results indicate that lower carbonization temperature and longer holding time are conducive to enhance the equilibrium moisture absorption and desorption content of bamboo charcoal, bamboo charcoal has higher equilibrium moisture absorption and desorption content in the case of low heating rate. Carbonization process parameters have little effect on the moisture absorption and desorption efficiency of bamboo charcoal. Bamboo charcoal has better humidity controlling stability under lower heating rate and shorter holding time.
Key words:  carbonization temperature  heating rate  holding time  equilibrium moisture absorption and desorption content  moisture absorption and desorption efficiency  humidity controlling stability