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覃潇, 申爱琴, 郭寅川, 吕政桦
关键词:  纤维沥青碎石封层  温度  动水压力  拉拔试验  黏结性能  增强机理
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201704019
基金项目:广东省交通运输厅科技攻关项目(2011 02 023);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(310821175014)
Interlayer Bonding Performance of Fiber Asphalt Chip Seal under Different Temperatures and Hydrodynamic Pressures
QIN Xiao, SHEN Aiqin, GUO Yinchuan, L Zhenghua
Key Laboratory of Highway Engineering in Special Region of Ministry of Education, Changan University, Xian 710064, China
To solve the problem of the deficient interlayer bonding performance between fiber asphalt chip seal and asphalt pavement in the hot and humid areas, interlayer pull off test and shear test were carried out under different temperatures and hydrodynamic pressures, then the impact of factors such as modified asphalt emulsion type, aggregate lithology and aggregate size on the interlayer bonding performance of fiber asphalt chip seal was investigated. Based on the SEM analysis of fiber asphalt interface and damage interface, the strengthen mechanisms of bonding performance were revealed. Laboratory test results indicate that the results of bonding performance in different hydrodynamic pressure temperature conditions are mainly in agreement with that in the single factor of temperature; failure modes of bonding performance are mostly of adhesion type, pull off strength of basalt fiber chip seal is higher than that of granite fiber chip seal, and it shows more significantly in the hydrodynamic pressure condition; pull off strength of 36mm and 48mm chip seal is higher than that of 510mm; the descending rate of shear strength peaks under the hydrodynamic pressure of 0103MPa; fibers are dispersed uniformly between two emulsified asphalt layers with the result that the cohesion and adhesion by the action of adsorption are enhanced, and the bonding performance of fiber asphalt chip seal are strengthened by chemical bonding and diffusion.
Key words:  fiber asphalt chip seal  temperature  hydrodynamic pressure  pull off test  bonding performance  strengthen mechanism