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宋作宝1, 姚燕2, 李婷1, 李晓宁1, 吴明慧1
基于2 甲基丙 2 烯基聚乙二醇醚丙烯酸(HPEG AA)体系研究了接枝密度、主链聚合度及侧链长度对聚羧酸减水剂(PCE)净浆流动度的影响,建立了PCE理想分子结构的数学模型,研究了酯基密度对PCE性能的影响.采用相对分子质量为4000的HPEG设计并制备出2种缓释型减水剂PC R1和PC R2对缓释型PCE的分子结构进行了表征,采用凝胶色谱仪(GPC)测定了其重均相对分子质量和数均相对分子质量,用红外光谱表征了其官能团.研究了掺缓释型PCE的新拌混凝土性能和硬化混凝土性能,验证了所建数学模型和设计方法的正确性.
关键词:  缓释型聚羧酸  分子结构设计  数学模型
DOI:103969/j.issn.1007 9629201704012
Molecular Structure Design and Preparation of Slow Release Polycarboxylic Superplasticizer
SONG Zuobao,YAO Yan,LI Ting,LI Xiaoning,WU Minghui
CNBM Zhongyan Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100024, China
The influence of grafting density, the main chain polymerization degree and side chain length on polycarboxylate superplasticizer(PCE) cement paste fluidity for allyl polyoxyethylene ether acrylic acid(HPEG AA) was studied. The mathematical model of the PCE optimum molecular structure was established, and the effect of the ester group density on the properties of PCE was studied. Basing on the above conclusion, two kinds of PCE were designed and prepared using HPEG with relative molecular mass of 4000:PC R1 which released quickly and PC R2 which released slowly. The molecular structure of PCE was characterized. The molecular weight of PCE was determined by gel permeation chromatograph(GPC), and the functional groups of PCE were characterized by infrared spectroscopy(IR). The properties of the fresh concrete and hardened concrete with slow release PCE were determined, and the mathematical model and the design method was validated as well.
Key words:  slow release polycarboxylate  molecular structure design  mathematical model