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崔玉理1, 贺鸿珠2, 史美伦2, 尹海涛3
关键词:  泡沫混凝土  交流阻抗  双曲正切特性  温度
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.03.021
Hyperbolic Tangent Characteristics of Impedance Spectroscopy of Foam Concrete
CUI Yuli1, HE Hongzhu2, SHI Meilun2, YIN Haitao3
1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Linyi University, Linyi 276005, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;3.Feixian Municipal Bureau of Housing and UrbanRural Development, Feixian 273400, China
In order to investigate the characteristics of internal diffusion of foam concrete, AC impedance spectroscopy of foam concrete was tested by electrochemical method at different water temperature, the presence or absence of foaming agent and different immersion time. AC impedance spectroscopy of foam concrete and ordinary concrete were researched. The results show that due to existence of inner bubbles in the foam concrete, its microstructure and characteristics of diffusion are different from those of ordinary concrete. In AC impedance spectroscopy, its Nyquist plot is of hyperbolic tangent type rather than Randles type as seen for the ordinary concrete. By correlation between the characteristics of diffusion and the hyperbolic tangent function, diffusion coefficient and depth of diffusion layer can be calculated.
Key words:  foam concrete  AC impedance  hyperbolic tangent characteristics  temperature