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李响, 石妍, 李家正, 张思
关键词:  凝灰岩粉  复合胶凝材料  抗压强度  火山灰反应  微集料效应
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.03.019
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51409020,51139001);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费资助项目(CKSF2016005/CL);中国华电集团公司科技项目(HD XZ DG 2015 FW 007)
Compressive Strength Development of Complex Binder Containing Tuff Powder
LI Xiang, SHI Yan, LI Jiazheng, ZHANG Si
Research Center of Water Engineering Safety and Disaster Prevention of Ministry of Water Resources, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
Compressive strength development of complex binders containing fly ash and(or) tuff powder were investigated. The results show that the physical filling effect of fly ash and tuff has a more intense influence on the compressive strength development of complex binders at an early hydration age. Compared with fly ash, the tuff particles with special morphology has more significant morphology effect and microaggregate effect at the beginning of the hydration. Under the same other condition, the bigger the specific surface area of tuff powder, the greater the compressive strength of complex binders containing tuff powder. The gap is gradually narrowing between the complex binders containing fly ash and the complex binders containing tuff powder due to the pozzolanic activity of fly ash occurs at the late hydration age. Compared with fly ash, the contribution of the tuff powder to the compressive strength of complex binders is given mostly in the early hydration age.
Key words:  tuff powder  complex binder  compressive strength  pozzolanic reaction  microaggregate effect