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万晨光, 申爱琴, 赵学颖, 薛翠真
关键词:  桥面铺装  防水黏结层  路用性能  经济指标  灰靶
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.03.014
Grey Target Optimization of Waterproof Adhesive Materials for Bridge Deck Pavement with Comprehensive Performance
WAN Chenguang, SHEN Aiqin, ZHAO Xueying, XUN Cuizhen
School of Highway, Changan University, Xian 710064, China
Aiming at the reasonable selection of waterproof adhesive materials for bridge deck pavement, the road performance of four kinds of materials was tested, and then analyzed by the grey target theory combining with the economic performance. The results show that temperature and water are important factors which influence the bonding performance of waterproof adhesive layer, and the effect is much more significant when the coupling effect of the two factors. The setting of waterproof adhesive materials can significantly improve the fatigue life of pavement structure, and the combination structure of SBS modified asphalt is the best. The SBS modified asphalt and synchronous gravel waterproof adhesive materials are the best grey target option, and it is recommended as a concrete bridge deck pavement waterproof adhesive materials.
Key words:  bridge deck pavement  waterproof adhesive material  road performance  economic performance  grey target