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傅强1, 牛荻涛1, 谢友均2, 龙广成2, 贺智敏3
关键词:  橡胶集料自密实混凝土  硫酸盐侵蚀  相对动弹模量  质量损失率  抗压强度耐蚀系数
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.03.007
Sulfate Erosion Resistance of Rubberized Self compacting Concrete
FU Qiang1, NIU Ditao1, XIE Youjun2, LONG Guangcheng2, HE Zhimin3
1.School of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;3.Faculty of Architectural Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
The variation law of relative dynamic modulus(Dm), corrosion resistance coefficient of compressive strength(Kf) and mass loss rate(Ml) of the rubberized self compacting concrete(RSCC) was investigated using the experimental method for sulfate attack in dry wet cycles. The results show that Dm and Kf for RSCC specimens first increase but then decrease with increasing number of dry wet cycles. At the same water to binder ratio, Dm and Kf decrease with the increase of the rubber particles substitution(substituting sand with the same volume) at the end of experiment, whereas increase in the same strength grade. Ml of RSCC increases rapidly in the initial dry wet cycles. At the same water to binder ratio, Ml increases with increasing rubber particles substitution at the end of experiment, whereas decreases in the same strength grade. As the rubber particles substitution reaches 10%, the comprehensive performance of RSCC is perfect. The improved prediction model can effectively reflect the relationship between Kf and the rubber particles substitution of RSCC.
Key words:  rubberized self compacting concrete  sulfate erosion  relative dynamic modulus  mass loss rate  corrosion resistance coefficient of compressive strength