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韩丁1, 李阳2, 刘东泽3, 胡超2, 李凌林2
关键词:  骨料形态  Hurst指数  三维骨料模型  分形布朗运动  随机中点位移
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.03.004
基金项目:安徽省住房城乡建设科学技术计划资助项目(2013YF 01);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51008109,51408173)
3D Numerical Modeling Methods to Characterize Real Aggregate Shapes
HAN Ding1, LI Yang2, LIU Dongze3, HU Chao2, LI Linglin2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;2.School of Automobile and Transportation Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;3.Municipal Institute, China Railway Urban Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Wuhu 241000, China
A statistical rule of the Hurst exponent was obtained based on the 2D morphology characteristic of independent aggregate sections, which were processed into binary images by image processing technologies. Meanwhile, a random contour of one aggregate section can be created by the improved fractional Brownian movement(FBM). This contour, which is perpendicular to the construction axis, is regarded as the connecting surface between the upper and lower surfaces of an aggregate waiting for construction. The upper and lower surfaces, which are respectively generated based on the improved random midpoint displacement method, are assembled into a complete numerical model of the 3D aggregate. Based on the same lengthwise ratio, the constructed numerical aggregates have the similar contours, flakiness ratios and sphericities with those of the real aggregates. The volume distribution law of random numerical aggregates has a resemblance to that of measured real aggregates. The constructed numerical aggregates based on aggregate gradations of a test were placed into a cylindrical asphalt concrete specimen. Under the same working condition, the simulation result is in agreement with data of the uniaxial compression creep test.
Key words:  aggregate morphology  Hurst exponent  3D aggregate model  fractional Brownian movement(FBM)  random midpoint displacement