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胡曙光1, 袁盼1, 王发洲1, 聂帅1, 刘云鹏1, 朱瑶宏2, 叶俊能2
优化了背散射电子图像分析(BSE IA)法在水泥基材料孔结构研究中孔隙阈值的确定方法,以降低主观因素影响,推导出统计所需图像最少张数的计算公式,分析了孔隙阈值确定方法和图像放大倍率对测试结果的影响,并将BSE IA法与压汞法(MIP)测得的孔隙率结果进行对比.结果表明:选用灰度面积累计分布曲线的二次导数来确定水泥净浆孔隙阈值以及500倍背散射电子图像统计出的结果较为合理,工作量适中,而BSE IA法较MIP法测得的孔隙率小,但BSE IA法可以直接观察孔隙形态及分布,因此在表征水泥基材料孔结构方面具有独特优势.
关键词:  压汞法  背散射电子图像  孔隙阈值  微观结构  孔隙率
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.02.028
Application of Backscattered Electron Imaging and Image Analysis in the Research of Pore Structure of Cement Based Materials
HU Shuguang1, YUAN Pan1, WANG Fazhou1, NIE Shuai1, LIU Yunpeng1, ZHU Yaohong2, YE Junneng2
1.State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China;2.Ningbo Rail Transit Project Construction Headquarters, Ningbo 315012, China
To minimize the subjective factor in the application of backscattered electron imaging and image analysis(BSE IA), a reliable method of pore threshold was proposed. Besides, the formula of minimum number of frames needed to determine the analytical result was deduced. The influence of determination methods of pore threshold and image magnification on the test results has been analyzed. The results showed that the test result of measurement by using the second derivative of cumulative distribution curve of grey area to determine the pore threshold and 500 magnification backscattered electron image was not only reasonable but also moderate workload. Compared with the results of mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP), porosity measured by BSE IA technique was smaller. But BSE IA had a unique advantage in the characterization of pore structure of cement based materials for that it can directly observe the shape and distribution of pores.
Key words:  mercury intrusion porosimetry  backscattered electron image  pore threshold  microstructure  porosity